Title: Prothrombin Complex Concentrate Approved by FDA<br/>Author: Ellen Lemkin<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/182/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (PCC) Kcentra™ has been approved for urgent reversal of major bleeding in patients taking vitamin K antagonists (e.g. warfarin).</li>
It contains factors 2,7,9 and 10, and antithrombotic Proteins C and S.</li>
Both fatal and non-fatal arterial and venous <strong>thromboembolic complications </strong>have occurred with Kcentra™. Thrombotic events occurred more frequently in the PCC group compared to plasma, although the differences were not statistically significant.</li>
<u>Volume overload occurred less frequently in the PCC group</u>, as there is a smaller volume administered with PCC compared to that of plasma.</li>
Percentage of I<strong>NR ≤ 1.3 at 30 minutes was 62%</strong> in the PCC group and 9.6% in the plasma group.</li>
Approval of Kcentra™ may open the door for studying treatment of the bleeding patient on newer oral anticoagulants.</p>