Title: Adhesive Capulitis<br/>Author: Brian Corwell<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/294/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Adhesive capsulitis aka frozen shoulder</p>
idiopathic loss of BOTH active and passive motion (this is a significant reduction of at least 50%)</p>
Motion is stiff and painful especially at the extremes</p>
Occurs due to thickening and contracture of the shoulder capsule</p>
Affects patients between the ages of 40 and 60</p>
Diabetes is the most common risk factor</p>
Imaging is normal and only helpful to rule out other entities such as osteophytes, loose bodies etc.</p>
Treatment includes NSAIDs, moist heat and physical therapy.</p>
Patients should expect a recovery period of 1-2 years!</p>