Title: Necrotizing Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (NSSTIs)<br/>Author: Haney Mallemat<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/785/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
NSSTIs occur secondary to toxin-secreting bacteria; NSSTIs are surgical emergencies with a <strong>high-morbidity / mortality</strong></p>
<strong>Risk factors</strong>: immunocompromised host (DM, AIDS, etc.), intravenous drug use, malnourishment, peripheral vascular disease</p>
<strong>Type I</strong> (polymicrobial; most common), <strong>Type II</strong> (monomicrobial; typically clostridia, streptococci, staph, or bacteroides), <strong>Type III </strong>(Vibrio vulnificus; seawater exposure)</p>
<strong>Signs / Symptoms:</strong> pain out of proportion to exam (occasionally no pain at all), skin findings (blistering / bullae, gray-skin discoloration, or “Dishwater-like” discharge), or systemic toxicity (altered mental status, elevated lactate, etc.)</p>
<strong>Diagnostic radiology</strong></p>
Xray (shows gas); low sensitivity; CT scan (gas / tissue stranding); sensitivity is also low</li>
MRI can over-diagnose NSSTI and <strong>should not</strong> be used routinely</li>
Bedside ultrasound may demonstrate fluid or gas collections in deeper tissues (see clip below)</li>
Treatment is emergent <strong>surgical debridement</strong> with simultaneous <strong>hemodynamic resuscitation</strong> PLUS broad-spectrum <strong>antibiotics</strong>; consider clindamycin becuase it has anti-toxin activity</p>
<strong>Adjunctive therapies</strong> include Intravenous intraglobulin (neutralizes toxins secreted by bacteria) and hyperbaric oxygen</p>
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<img alt="" src="https://umem.org/files/uploads/content/pearls/visual_diagnosis/necfaspearlannot.gif" style="text-align: center; width: 550px; height: 344px;" /></p>
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<strong style="text-align: center;">Follow me on Twitter (<a href="https://twitter.com/CriticalCareNow">@criticalcarenow</a>) or Google+ (+criticalcarenow)</strong></p>