Title: Sweets Before Sticks<br/>Author: Rose Chasm<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/82/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><ul>
Male infants are routinely given a sweet solution prior to circumcision for analgesia.</li>
Michelis and Hoyle recently published a great review of the possible use of sweet solutions in the ED for pediatric patients.</li>
Pediatric patients often undergo painful, but rather routine procedures in the ED such as IV and urinary catheter placement, venipuncture, and lumbar punctures.</li>
More often than not, however, they are not provided analgesia prior to these procedures.</li>
It is believed that repetitive early pain events lead to anxiety and other behavioral disorders while also decreasing pain tolerance.</li>
In children less than 12 months, consider giving a sweet solution (2mL of 24% sucrose) 2 minutes before any painful procedure.</li>
Multiple studies indicate decreased pain as measured by significantly reduced crying times.</li>
It's cheap, safe, and works!</li>
<ol class="referenceList" id="referenceList">
Michelis EA, Hoyle JD. Sweet Solutions and Needle-Related Pain in Infants. Ann of Emerg Med. 2014, Vol 63, Issue3.</li>
<li id="reference-bib6">
<span class="ja50-ce-other-ref">MedexSupply.com. Available at: <a href="http://www.medexsupply.com/nicu-and-infant-care-calming-soothing-and-feeding-respironics-sweet-ease-natural-sucrose-solution-200-cs-x_pid-49369.html" id="intref0015">http://www.medexsupply.com/nicu-and-infant-care-calming-soothing-and-feeding-respironics-sweet-ease-natural-sucrose-solution-200-cs-x_pid-49369.html</a>. </span></li>
<li id="reference-bib7">
<span class="sb-contribution">Kassab M, Foster J, Fowler C. Sweet-tasting solutions for needle related procedureal pain in infants one month to one year. <i>Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews</i> 2012, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD008411.</span></li>
<span class="sb-contribution"><span class="sb-authors">Stevens B, Yamada J, Ohlsson A</span>. <strong>Sucrose for analgesia in newborn infants undergoing painful procedures. </strong></span><span class="sb-issue"><em>Cochrane Database Syst Rev</em>. <span class="sb-date">2013;</span><span class="sb-issue-nr">(1)</span>:</span></li>