Title: Infectious Risks of Targeted Temperature Management<br/>Author: Michael Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong><u>Infectious Risks Associated with TTM</u></strong></p>
Targeted temperature management (TTM) is commonly used in the care of patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest.</li>
Despite improving neurologic outcomes, TTM can increase the risk of infection, bleeding, coagulopathy, arrhythmias, and electrolyte derangements.</li>
Infectious complications of TTM are associated with increases in ICU length of stay, along with increases in the duration of mechanical ventilation.</li>
<em>Pneumonia</em> and <em>bacteremia</em> are the two most common infectious complications of TTM, with <em>S.aureus</em> the most common single pathogen isolated in cases of infection.</li>
Since TTM may suppress normal signs of infection, it is important to be vigilant for these two infectious complications.</li>
At present, evidence does not support prophylactic antibiotics for all patients receiving TTM.</li>
Kuchena A, et al. Postcardiac arrest temperature management: infectious risks. <em>Curr Opin Crit Care</em> 2014; 20:507-15.</p>