Title: ED Algorithm For Patients with Possible Ebola: Identify, Isolate and Inform<br/>Author: Jon Mark Hirshon<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/96/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
There is a great deal of fear, media attention, and misinformation concerning Ebola. </li>
As an emergency physician, you must be able to identify and appropriately manage individuals with possible Ebola presenting to your hospital. </li>
ACEP's Ebola Expert Panel worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help create a clear and concise algorithm in case someone presents with possible Ebola.</li>
<strong>ED Algorithm For Patients with Possible Ebola</strong></p>
Do they have the right travel history (step 1)?</li>
Do they have the right signs and symptoms (step 2)?</li>
If yes to both identification questions, then:</p>
Isolate (step 3):
Place patient in private room or separate enclosed area
Private bathroom or covered, bedside commode</li>
Only essential personnel should evaluate patient and provide care</li>
Level of personal protective equipment should be determined
Based upon patient’s clinical status (signs and symptoms)</li>
Inform (step 4)
Immediately notify the hospital infection control program and other appropriate staff</li>
Immediately notify the health department</li>
Further evaluation and management will depend on the patient’s clinical status and other potential diagnoses (step 5).</li>
<strong>Bottom line:</strong></p>
Whether the patient has Ebola or not, a well-developed response is necessary for patient management and public health preparedness. The fear of the disease is much more widespread and impactful than the disease itself.</p>
See the full algorithm, with more details at: http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/pdf/ed-algorithm-management-patients-possible-ebola.pdf</p>
ed-algorithm-management-patients-possible-ebola.pdf (998 Kb)<br/><a href='http://umem.org/files/uploads/1410290644_ed-algorithm-management-patients-possible-ebola.pdf' target='_blank'>http://umem.org/files/uploads/1410290644_ed-algorithm-management-patients-possible-ebola.pdf</a><br/><br/></fieldset>