Title: Knee dislocation<br/>Author: Brian Corwell<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/294/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<span style="font-size:16px;"><strong>Knee Dislocation</strong></span></p>
Following reduction and immobilization, a thorough vascular assessment should follow. Any signs of vascular injury should prompt immediate vascular consultation (pallor, absent or diminished pulses)</p>
1) Palpate popliteal and distal pulses</p>
2) Measure ankle-brachial index (*ABI) (<0.9 = abnormal)</p>
3) Duplex ultrasound (if available)</p>
*ABI – ratio of SBP in lower (DP/PT) and upper (brachial) extremities.</p>
**Evaluation is often institutional specific. Discuss with your consultants.</p>
A) If strong pulses normal ABI and normal u/s admit patient for observation with serial vascular examinations.</p>
B) If the limb is still well perfused but the pulses are asymmetric or ABI is abnormal or US is abnormal then consult vascular surgery and obtain arteriogram (expanding role for CTA here).</p>
C) If pulses are weak or absent or distal signs of ischemic limb then obtain emergent vascular consultation for surgical repair.</p>