Title: Safety Risk? Digoxin in Atrial Fibrillation<br/>Author: Semhar Tewelde<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/352/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p> <strong><u>Safety Risk? Digoxin in Atrial Fibrillation</u></strong></p> <p> - Digoxin is commonly utilize for atrial fibrillation/flutter with rapid ventricular response, though beta blockers and/or calcium channel blockers are a better 1<sup>st</sup> line therapy given digoxin’s narrow therapeutic index and lack of mortality benefit.</p> <p> - Digoxin in the acute setting is often favored given its ability to reduce the heart rate while maintaining or slightly augmenting blood pressure.</p> <p> - 2014 AHA/ACC guidelines recommend digoxin, specifically for rate control in patients with heart failure and/or reduced ejection fraction.</p> <p> - There have been 2 post hoc studies from the AFFIRM trial which showed conflicting results w/regards to digoxin and risk of mortality.</p> <p style="margin-left:1.0in;"> 1. Increased risk of mortality associated w/digoxin (on-treatment analytic strategy)</p> <p style="margin-left:1.0in;"> 2. No association w/mortality (intent-to-treat analytic strategy)</p> <p> - A recent retrospective cohort examination of newly diagnosed afib patients <em>without</em> heart failure & no prior use of digoxin; digoxin was independently associated with a 71% higher risk of death & a 63% higher risk of hospitalization.</p> <p> - Consistent and substantial increase in mortality and hospitalization risk was seen using both on-treatment and intent-to-treat analytic methods.</p> <p> - Given other available rate control options, digoxin should be used with caution.</p> <p> </p> <fieldset><legend>References</legend>
<p> Freeman J, Reynolds K, et al. Digoxin and Risk of Death in Adults With Atrial Fibrillation The ATRIA-CVRN Study. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015;8:49-58.</p> </fieldset>