Title: Phases of Emergency Management: Preparing and Responding to a Disaster<br/>Author: Jon Mark Hirshon<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/96/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Whether in the U.S. or overseas, there are four main phases of emergency management:</p>
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Identifying risks and hazards to reduce or eliminate the risks, such as:
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Building codes (for earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, etc.)</li>
Zoning rules (floodplain restrictions)</li>
Dams and levees (prevent flooding)</li>
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To enhance response capacity, such as
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Training, including exercises to assure adequacy of planning efforts</li>
Resource procurement</li>
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Immediate post disaster activities to save lives and property, such as
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Evacuating victims</li>
Response teams deployment</li>
Incident command operations</li>
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Efforts to restore essential services and repair damage, such as
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Reconstruction of government operations and services</li>
Housing and services for displaced families/ individuals</li>
Replenish stockpiles</li>