Title: Acute Pericarditis <br/>Author: Semhar Tewelde<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/352/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong><u>Acute Pericarditis</u></strong></p>
<strong>- Pericarditis has numerous etiologies; in developed countries 80-90% of cases are idiopathic/viral & 10-20% of cases are most commonly post-cardiac injury syndromes, connective-tissue diseases, or cancer.</strong></p>
<strong>- Diagnosis requires at least two of the following symptoms or signs: chest pain, pericardial friction rub, typical electrocardiographic changes, and pericardial effusion.</strong></p>
<strong>- Since pleuritic chest pain has many possible causes, pericarditis should be diagnosed with caution in the absence of other clinical criteria, additionally a friction rub & ECG findings may be transient making the diagnosis even more challenging.</strong></p>
<strong>- Data from a recent RCT indicated that pericardial effusions are present in ~2/3 of patients; the vast majority are small and of no concern, nonetheless an echocardiogram is routinely indicated and if present should be carefully followed to assess for tamponade.</strong></p>
<strong>- Treatment for idiopathic/viral cases of pericarditis consistents of NSAIDs & colchicine.</strong></p>
<strong>LeWinter, MM. Acute Pericarditis. NEJM. Dec 18, 2014 Vol 371 No 25.</strong></p>