Title: Mechanical Ventilation Practices in the ED<br/>Author: Michael Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong><u>Mechanical Ventilation in the ED</u></strong></p>
Emergency physicians (EPs) intubate patients on a daily basis. Due to prolonged lengths of stay for many of these patients, the EP must manage the ventilator during the crucial early hours of critical illness.</li>
Despite the marked increase in critically ill patients, emergency medicine residents receive very little training in mechanical ventilation (MV).<sup>1</sup></li>
In addition, recent literature has demonstrated some common themes regarding MV in the ED.<sup>2,3</sup>
Use of higher than recommended tidal volumes</li>
Infrequent use of lung protective ventilation strategies</li>
Infrequent monitoring of plateau pressures</li>
<strong>Take Home Points</strong>
<strong>Pay attention to tidal volume</strong></li>
<strong>Monitor and maintain plateau pressures < 30 cm H2O</strong></li>
Wilcox SR, et al. Emergency medicine residents' knowledge of mechanical ventilation. <em>J Emerg Med</em> 2015;48:481-91.</li>
Allison MG, Scott MG, Hu K, et al. High initial tidal volumes in emergency department patients at risk for acute respiratory distress syndrome. <em>J Crit Care</em> 2015;30:341-3.</li>
Fuller BM, et al. Mechanical ventilation and acute respiratory distress syndrome in the emergency department: a multicenter, observational, prospective, cross-sectional study. <em>Chest</em> 2015. [Epub ahead of print]</li>