Title: Unintentional Injuries- A Global Cause of Pediatric Deaths<br/>Author: Jon Mark Hirshon<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/96/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
In 2011, approximately 630,00 children under 15 died from unintentional injuries. Injuries are the leading cause of childhood deaths in children over 9 years old. Ninety-five percent of these childhood injuries occur in lower- and middle-income countries.</p>
The 2008 World Report on Child Injury Prevention listed the following as the top five causes of pediatric injury deaths globally:</p>
1) Road Crashes- approximately 260,000/year</p>
2) Drowning- approximately 175,0000/year</p>
3) Burns- approximately 96,000/year</p>
4) Falls- approximately 47,000/year</p>
5) Poisoning (unintentional)- approximately 45,000/year</p>
Many of these deaths occur around the home and could be prevented through proven prevention measures, which include:</p>
· Child appropriate seatbelts and helmets</p>
· Separate children from vehicular traffic</p>
· Limit hot tap water temperature</p>
· Placing medications and potentially harmful household products in child proof containers</p>
· Draining unnecessary water from baths and buckets</p>
· Redesigning nursery furniture, toys and playground equipment</p>
· Strengthening emergency medical services</p>
<a href="http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/child/injury/en/">http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/child/injury/en/</a></p>