Title: Spondylolysis<br/>Author: Brian Corwell<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/294/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Prevalence 3-6% in the general population (Higher in athletes)</p>
Location: L4 (5-15% of cases) & L5 (85-95% of cases)</p>
Population: More likely in the skeletally immature athlete due to the vulnerability of the immature pars interarticularis to repeated stress</p>
Symptoms: Lumbar pain worse with extension</p>
Higher risk sports: Gymnastics, diving, weightlifting, wrestling</p>
Treatment: Bracing and activity modification, physical therapy</p>
- Good results in 80% with conservative management allowing return to play.</p>
- Those who fail benefit from iliac crest bone grafting and posterolateral fusion.</p>
-Return to play is controversial in this group</p>
Please review th images below for anaomy and imaging appearence</p>
Huang P.et al.Return-to-Play Recommendations After Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine Injuries: A Comprehensive Review. Sports Health2016 Jan;8(1):19-25.</p>