Title: End tidal capnography to exclude DKA in children and adults<br/>Author: Jenny Guyther<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/314/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
A previous pearl has looked at serum HCO3 as a predictor of DKA (see pearl from 8/21/15). The article by Gilhotra looks at using end tidal CO2 (ETCO2) to exclude DKA. 58 pediatric patients were enrolled with 15 being in DKA. No patient with ETCO2 > 30 mmHg had DKA. Six patients with ETCO2 < 30 mmHg did not have DKA. Other studies done in children have shown similar results. </p>
An article recently published by Chebl and colleagues examined patients older than 17 years with hyperglycemia. In this study, 71 patients were included with 32 having DKA. A ETCO2 >35 excluded DKA in this group while a level <22 was 100% specific for DKA.</p>
Bottom line: ETCO2 >35 mmHg is a quick bedside test that can aid in the evaluation of hyperglycemic patients.</p>
Gilhotra Y and Porter P. Predicting diabetic ketoacidosis in children by measuring end-tidal CO2 by non-invasive nasal capnography. J Paediatr Child Health 2007; 43 (10): 677-80.</p>
Chebl BR, Madden B, Belsky J, Harmouche E, Yessayan L. Diagnostic value of end tidal capnography in patients with hyperglycemia in the emergency department. BCM Emerg Med 2016: 16 (1).</p>