Title: Can cranial ultrasound be used in the emergency department to detect intracranial hemorrhage in infants? <br/>Author: Jenny Guyther<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/314/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Typically, if an infant or young child presents to the ED with concern for intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), CT is performed as a rapid diagnostic tool. Now that clinicians are more aware of the radiation associated with head CT, the possible use of ultrasound was studied. Ultrasound is commonly used in the neonatal population for detecting ICH. A study by Elkhunovich <em>et al</em> looked at children younger than 2 years who had cranial ultrasounds preformed. Over a 5 year period, 283 ultrasounds were done on patients between 0 to 485 days old (median 33 days). There were 39 bleeds detected. Ultrasound specificity and sensitivity was calculated by comparing the results with CT, MRI and/or clinical outcome. For significant bleeds, the sensitivity for ultrasound was 81%. The specificity for detecting ICH was 97%.</p>
Only 2 patients in the study were older than 1 year. The proper windows are easiest to visualize in children younger than 6 months.</p>
Bottom Line: The sensitivity of cranial ultrasound is inadequate to justify its use as a screening tool for detection of ICH in an infant with acute trauma, but it could be considered in situations when obtaining advanced imaging is not an option because of availability or patient condition.</p>
<span style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12.8px;">Elkhunovich M, Sirody J, McCormick T, Goodarzian F and Claudius I. The Utility of Cranial Ultrasound for Detection of Intracranial Hemorrhage in Infants. Ped Emerg Care 2016 [epub ahead of print].</span></p>