Title: Situations Where ECMO May Be Unsuccessful<br/>Author: Mike Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<u><strong>Situations Where ECMO Will Likely Fail</strong></u></p>
As many EDs and ICUs begin to develop protocols for the use of ECMO, it is important to note select conditions when this therapy is unlikely to be succesful.
Chronic respiratory or cardiac disease with no hope of recovery</li>
OHCA with prolonged no blood flow</li>
Severe aortic regurgitation</li>
Type A aortic dissection</li>
Refractoroy septic shock with preserved LV function</li>
Stem cell transplant patients</li>
Advanced age with ARDS</li>
Prolonged pre-ECMO mechanical ventilation (> 7 days)</li>
Center inexperienced with ECMO</li>
Schmidt M, et al. Ten situations in which ECMO is unlikely to be successful. <em>Intensive Care Med</em> 2016; 42:750-752.</p>