Title: Ketamine for Prehospital Agitation - Prospective Study Results<br/>Author: Bryan Hayes<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/369/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Ketamine is gaining traction as a prehospital option for managing severe agitation or excited delirium syndrome. Previous reports have mostly been case series, but a new prospective study adds some important information that may help delineate ketamine's role in this setting. [1] The study and an accompanying commentary are both <u>open access</u>. [2]</p>
<strong>What They Did</strong></p>
Open-label before-and-after prospective comparison of haloperidol (10 mg IM) versus ketamine (5 mg/kg IM) for the treatment of acute undifferentiated agitation.</p>
<strong>What They Found</strong></p>
Ketamine demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant difference in median time to sedation compared to haloperidol, 5 min vs. 17 min (p < 0.0001, 95% CI: 9–15)</li>
Complications: ketamine, 49%; haloperidol, 5%
Ketamine complications: hypersalivation (38%), emergence reaction (10%), vomiting (9%), and laryngospasm (5%) </li>
Intubation rate: ketamine, 39%; haloperidol, 4%</li>
<strong>Appliation to Clinical Practice</strong></p>
Ketamine works for prehospital agitation (and more rapidly)</li>
Ketamine has a higher complication and intubation rate</li>
Though this study did not find a dose relationship between ketamine and intubations, future studies should evaluate further and potentially use lower ketamine doses</li>
At our institution, we start with 2–3 mg/kg IM and repeat if necessary after 5 min. Most patients have not required a second dose and none have been intubated. This allows time to place an IV line and initiate additional treatment.</li>
Cole JB, et al. A prospective study of ketamine versus haloperidol for severe prehospital agitation. <em>Clin Toxicol</em>. 2016 Apr 21. Epub ahead of print. [<a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15563650.2016.1177652">open access PDF</a>]</li>
Hayes BD. Ketamine for agitation: a key cog in the prehospital treatment armamentarium wheelhouse. <em>Clin Toxicol</em>. 2016 May 3. Epub ahead of print. [<a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15563650.2016.1180391">open access PDF</a>]</li>
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