Title: Upcoming influenza immunization recommendations 2016-2017<br/>Author: Jenny Guyther<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/314/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Although it is summer, preparations are being made for the 2016-2017 influenza season. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) no longer recommends the live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV4). The American Academy of Pediatrics has supported this statement.</p>
The LAIV4 (the only intranasal vaccine available) was offered to patients over the age of 2 years without respiratory problems. Observational studies during the 2013-2015 seasons have shown that the LAIV4 has an adjusted vaccine efficacy of 3% compared to 63% for the inactivated vaccine (intramuscular). Children who received the intranasal vaccine were almost 4 times more likely to get the flu compared to children who received the injection.</p>
<strong>Bottom line:</strong> Only the intramuscular shot is recommended for this upcoming season. This is causing many primary care practices to scramble to obtain enough vaccine.</p>
Bernstein HH and Kimberlin DW. Intranasal FluMISSED its target. <em>AAP News</em>. July 2016.</p>
Chung J et al. Seasonal Effectiveness of Live Attenuated and Inactivated Influenza Virus. <em>Pediatrics </em>2016: 137 (2).</p>