Title: Assessment of right ventricular function in the Emergency Department<br/>Author: Rory Spiegel<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/1747/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Recently Emergency Physicians have become far more aware of the importance of right ventricular (RV) function in our critically ill patient population. One of the methods that has been proposed to assess RV systolic function with bedside ultrasound (US) is the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE). This simple bedside measurement utilizes M-mode to quantify the movement of the tricuspid annulus in systole. And while it has demonstrated reasonable accuracy at predicting RV dysfunction, adequate visualization of the lateral tricuspid annulus is not always obtainable in our critically ill patient population (1,2). In these circumstances an alternative measurement obtained in the subcostal window may be a viable option.</p>
Similar to TAPSE, subcostal echocardiographic assessment of tricuspid annular kick (SEATAK) utilizes M-mode to assess the apical movement of the tricuspid annulus during systole. In a recent prospective observational study, Díaz-Gómez et al examined 45 ICU patients, 20 with known RV dysfunction and 25 with normal function. They compared the measurements obtained from TAPSE and SEATAK and found a strong correlation between the two measurement (Spearman’s ρ coefficient of .86, P=.03).</p>
The small sample size and limited evaluation of RV function is far from ideal and more robust data sets are required before we cite SEATAK’s diagnostic accuracy with any confidence, but in the subset of patients where a TAPSE is unobtainable this may serve as an adequate surrogate until a more thorough echographic assessment can be obtained. <img alt="" src="/files/uploads/content/Screen%20Shot%202016-10-25%20at%209.26.46%20AM.png" style="width: 400px; height: 238px;" /></p>
1. Ueti OM, Camargo EE, Ueti Ade A, et al. Assessment of right ventricular function with Doppler echocardiographic indices derived from tricuspid annular motion: comparison with radionuclide angiography. Heart. 2002;88:244–248.</p>
2. Díaz-Gómez, J. L., Alvarez, A. B., Danaraj, J. J. , Freeman, M. L., Lee, A. S., Mookadam, F., Shapiro, B. P. and Ramakrishna, H. (2016), A novel semiquantitative assessment of right ventricular systolic function with a modified subcostal echocardiographic view. Echocardiography, 00: 1–9. doi: 10.1111/echo.13400.</p>