Title: Methadone induced hypoglycemia – Is there such a thing?<br/>Author: Hong Kim<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/526/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Methadone overdose produces classic signs and symptoms of opioid intoxication - CNS and respiratory depression with pinpoint pupils. However, methadone overdose has also been associated with hypoglycemia – a relatively uncommon adverse effect.</p>
<strong>Bottom line:</strong></p>
Methadone-induced hypoglycemia can occur, although rare, in an acute overdose.</li>
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Li AT, Chu FK. A case of massive methadone overdose presented with refractory hypoglycemia. Clin Toxicol <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif; font-size: 11.004500389099121px;">2017 Jan 24:1-3. doi: 10.1080/15563650.2016.1277236. [Epub ahead of print]</span></li>
Moryl N et al. Hypoglycemia during rapid methadone dose escalation. J Opioid Manag. 2013;9:29-34.</li>
Flory JH et al. Methadone use and the risk of hypoglycemia for inpatients with cancer pain. J Pain Symptoms Manage 2016;51:79-87.</li>
Faskowtiz AJ et al. Methadone-induced hypoglycemia. Cell Mol Neurobiol 2013;33:537-42.</li>
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