Title: Pediatric Anaphylaxis "Rule of 2's"<br/>Author: Mimi Lu<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/185/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
As a follow up to Dr. Winter’s Pearl on Anaphylaxis on 1/24/2017, here’s a handy pearl for pediatric anaphylaxis (part 1).</p>
Anaphylaxis: rapid and potentially life-threatening involvement of at least <strong><em><u>2 systems </u></em></strong>following exposure to an antigen.</p>
Medications (max: adult doses)</p>
<strong>E</strong>pinephrine auto-injector (<strong><em><u>2 </u></em></strong>doses): 0.15 mg and 0.3 mg</li>
<strong>M</strong>ethylprednisolone (IV) or prednisone (PO): <strong><em><u>2</u></em></strong> mg/kg</li>
<strong>D</strong>iphenhydramine: 1-<strong><em><u>2</u></em></strong> mg/kg</li>
<strong>R</strong>anitidine: <strong><em><u>2</u></em></strong> mg/kg</li>
Get it?!?! Easy right? Instead of fumbling through an app or reference card during your next case of pediatric anaphylaxis, be a rock star "<strong>EM DR</strong>" by remembering the “<strong><em><u>Rule of 2’s</u></em></strong>”. </p>
(Can't help it...ya'll know I love my mnemonics!!)</p>