Title: Fall in the Elderly (Submitted by Heidi M. Teague, MD)<br/>Author: Danya Khoujah<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/739/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">· In the elderly, falling is the most common mechanism of injury<br />
· Unavoidable Risk factors: age 85 or older, male, Caucasian, history of falls<br />
· Other factors: alcohol consumption, polypharmacy<br />
· Mechanisms of fall: slipping, tripping, stumbling<br />
· Physical exam to include: gait, balance, proprioception, vision, strength and cognitive function testing<br />
· Must consider neglect/abuse, affects 10% of seniors per year<br />
· Evaluate for anticoagulant use due to increased risk of intracranial injury<br />
· Use advanced imaging to identify occult hip fractures when clinically suspected and plain radiographs are negative</span></span></p>
<span font-size:="" new="" style="font-family: " times="">Abraham, MK, Cimino-Fiallos, NE. Falls in the Elderly: Causes, Injuries, and Management. </span><i font-size:="" new="" style="font-family: " times="">Medscape </i><span font-size:="" new="" style="font-family: " times="">February 1, 2017.</span></p>