Title: Ventilator Settings in the Post-Arrest Patient<br/>Author: Mike Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong><u>Ventilator Settings for the Post-Arrest Patient</u></strong></p>
The majority of patients with ROSC from OHCA require intubation and mechanical ventilation.</li>
Correctly managing the ventilator in the post-arrest patient is critical for improving outcomes.</li>
As patients are at high risk for ARDS, use lung-protective ventilation with tidal volumes between <strong>6 to 8 ml/kg of ideal body weight </strong>and <strong>PEEP of 5 to 8 cm H2O</strong>.</li>
There is a U-shaped relationship between neurologic outcomes and both PaO2 and PaCO2.
Target <strong>normoxia</strong> (SpO2 94% to 96%) and avoid hyperoxia and hypoxia.</li>
Target <strong>normocapnia</strong> (PaCO2 40 to 50 mm Hg) and avoid hypercapnia and hypocapnia.</li>
Use an analgosedation approach with short-acting analgesics and sedatives, such as fentanyl and propofol.</li>
Jentzer JC, et al. Recent developments in the management of patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest. <i>J Crit Care</i>. 2017; 39:97-107.</p>