Title: Improving CPR Performance<br/>Author: Mike Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong>Improving CPR Performance</strong></p>
High-quality CPR is the cornerstone of successfull resuscitation from cardiac arrest.</li>
In fact, high-quality CPR is considered the most important intervention for achieving ROSC and good neurologic recovery.</li>
Pearls for optimizing CPR performance include:
Use a team-focused approach</li>
Avoid leaning and ensure complete recoil of the chest</li>
Target a chest compression fraction of at least 60%</li>
Use POCUS, but pay attention to the duration of hands-off time</li>
Target ETCO2 of > 20 mm Hg</li>
Nassar BS, et al. Improving CPR performance. <em>Chest</em>. 2017. {epub ahead of print] </p>
Jentzer JC, et al. Improving survival from cardiac arrest: A review of contemporary practice and challenges. <em>Ann Emerg Med.</em> 2016; 68:678-89.</p>