Title: Dental Avulsion in the field/sporting event<br/>Author: Brian Corwell<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/294/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<span style="font-size:16px;"><strong>Dental Avulsion in the field/sporting event</strong></span></p>
- Only replace avulsed secondary teeth</p>
- Handle the tooth by the crown only</p>
- Rinse tooth with cold running water gently (the root should not be wiped)</p>
- Immediate attempt to reimplant permanent tooth into socket by 1st capable person:</p>
* <em>Time is tooth:</em> Each minute tooth is out of socket reduces tooth viability by 1%</p>
* Best chance of success if reimplant done within 5–15 min*? Poor tooth viability if avulsed for >1 hr</p>
- If unsuccessful, place tooth in a transport solution (from most to least desirable):</p>
- <strong>Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS)</strong></p>
* Balanced pH culture media available commercially in the Save-A-Tooth kit</p>
* Effective hours after avulsion</p>
- <strong>Cold milk:</strong></p>
* Best alternative storage medium</p>
* Place tooth in a container of milk that is then packed in ice (prevents dilution)</p>
- <strong>Saliva:</strong></p>
* Store in a container of parent or child's saliva</p>
- Never use tap water or dry transport</p>