Title: A Bad Natural "High" <br/>Author: Kathy Prybys<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/121/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
A 19 year old male presents confused and very agitated complaining of seeing things and stomach pain. His friends report he ingested a naturally occurring plant to get high a few hours ago but is having a "bad trip". His physical exam :</p>
Temp 100.3, HR 120, RR 14, BP 130/88. Pulse Ox 98%.</p>
Skin: Dry, hot , flushed</p>
HEENT: Marked mydriasis 6mm</p>
Lungs: Clear</p>
Heart: Tachycardic</p>
Abdomen: Distended tender suprapubic with absent bowel sounds,</p>
Neuro: Extremely agitated pacing, no muscular rigidity.</p>
<strong>What has he ingested and what is the treatment?</strong></p>
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