Title: Renal Transplant Patients<br/>Author: Mike Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<b><u>Critically Ill Renal Transplant Patients</u></b></p>
Renal transplant patients are at high risk of critical illness from a variety of etiologies.</li>
<u>Sepsis</u> is the most common reason for critical illness and ICU admission. </li>
Due to their immunosuppression, renal transplant patients are at risk of a multitude of infections.</li>
Notwithstanding, <u>acute bacterial pyelonephritis</u> of the transplant is the most frequent cuase of sepsis, followed by <u>bacterial pneumonia</u>.</li>
Be sure to consider these two etiologies when faced with a critically ill, septic renal transplant patient.</li>
Darmon M, et al. Ten tips to manage renal transplant recipients. <em>Intensive Care Med. </em>2019. epub ahead of print.</p>