Title: Acute Liver Failure and Coagulopathy<br/>Author: Mike Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong><u>Management of Coagulopathy in Acute Liver Failure</u></strong></p>
Patients with acute liver failure (ALF) frequently require rapid resuscitation to prevent decompensation and multiorgan failure.</li>
The most common cause of ALF remains drug-induced injury (i.e., acetaminophen).</li>
Though coagulopathy is common in patients with ALF, the prophylactic administration of blood products has not been shown to have clinical benefit.</li>
The routine correction of coagulation abnormalities is not currently recommended, unless the patient undergoes a major procedure (e.g., liver transplant).</li>
Trovato FM, et al. Update on the management of acute liver failure. <em>Curr Opin Crit Care.</em> 2019; 25:157-164.</p>