Title: Bone tumors in children<br/>Author: Brian Corwell<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/294/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Bone tumors can present as MSK pain!</p>
Pain may be activity related initially (can lead to misdiagnosis)</p>
Over time will progress to rest pain and night pain</p>
1) <strong>Primary osteosarcoma</strong> - most common primary malignant bone tumor</p>
Adolescents, male > female</p>
70% occur about the knee (also in hip/pelvis and upper arm)</p>
pain, swelling, tenderness to palpation</p>
Consider in the presentation of non traumatic knee pain!</p>
2) <strong>Ewing's sarcoma</strong></p>
Peak incidence ages 10-20, male > female</p>
pain, swelling, tendernes to palpation</p>
Elevated temps and ESR</p>
Consider in the differential of osteomyelitis!!</p>
Variable location - lusually the extremities but also pelvis, scapula, ribs</p>