Title: Acute Otitis Media<br/>Author: Rose Chasm<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/82/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p> Antibiotic stewardship has led various organizations such as the AAP, AAFP, and IDSA to introduce two different approaches to the treatment of acute otitis media (AOM):</p> <ul> <li> Immediate treatment with antibiotics <strong>versus</strong></li> <li> initial observation for 48-72 hours without antibiotics.</li> </ul> <p> Immediate treatment with antibiotics should always include the following patients:</p> <ul> <li> Children <6 months old</li> <li> Toxic appearing</li> <li> Severe signs/symptoms: otorhea, persistent pain, fever>39C, bilateral ear disease</li> </ul> <p> The observation approach can be considered in the following very slect patient group:</p> <ul> <li> Otherwise healthy children >2 years of age</li> <li> Non-severe illness</li> <li> Unilateral ear disease</li> <li> Access to follow up within 48-72 hours</li> <li> Parental comfort / Shared decision making</li> </ul> <p> Often the issue with pediatric AOM isn't necessarily the overprescribing of antibiotics, but the inaccurate/inappropriate over diagnosis of acute otitis media. An erythematous tympanic membrane does not equal AOM. Crying and fever can result in a red TM. Fluid seen behind the TM, is often just serous otitis media, which isn't AOM. </p> <p> When antibiotics are warranted, first-line treatment is with high dose amoxicillin, 90 mg/kg per day divided into two doses; unless the child has received beta-lactam antibiotics in the previous 90 days and/or also has puruent conjunctivitis mandating amoxicillin-clavulanate instead. In the later case, prescribing the Augment ES, 600 mg/5mL formlation with a lower clavulanic concentration lessening GI upset and diarrhea is prefered.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <fieldset><legend>References</legend>
<p> Liebeerthal AS, et al. The diagnosis and management of acute otitis media. Pediatrics 2013; 131.</p> <p> Shaikh N, et al. Development of an algorithm for the diagnosis of otitis media. Acad Pediatr 2012;12:214.</p> </fieldset>