Title: REACT Shock Study - Relative Hypotension and Adverse Kidney-related Outcomes Among Patients with Shock<br/>Author: Caleb Chan<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/resident/1583/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<u><strong>Study Question: </strong></u>What is the association of relative hypotension (degree and duration of MPP deficit) in patients with vasopressor-dependent shock with the incidence of new significant AKI and major adverse kidney events (MAKE)? </p>
Mean Perfusion Pressure (MPP) = MAP - CVP</li>
MAKE-14: composite measure of death, new initiation of RRT, or doubling of serum creatinine from the premorbid level at Day 14</li>
Basal MPP estimated using pre-illness BP readings in the chart, basal CVP estimated using prior echo findings or estimated mean values</li>
Multicenter, prospective observational cohort study with 302 patients</li>
Notable exclusion criteria:
age < 40, trauma as primary reason for ICU admission, active bleeding, unavailability of at least two preillness BP readings, pregnancy, "any condition specifically requiring a higher or a lower blood pressure target in the view of a treating clinician"</li>
for every percentage increase in the time-weighted average MPP deficit, the odds of developing new significant AKI and MAKE-14 increased by 5.6% (95% CI, 2.2–9.1; P = 0.001) and 5.9% (95% CI, 2.2–9.8; P = 0.002), respectively.</li>
Relationships between the risks of developing new significant AKI or MAKE-14 and the percentage of time spent with a MAP < 65 mm Hg were not statistically significant </li>
Critically ill patients in shock who had higher and longer degrees of relative hypotension compared to their baseline BPs had a higher incidence of adverse kidney outcomes</li>
Sidenote: also consider venous congestion/volume overload when thinking about end-organ damage (e.g. MPP not just MAP)</li>