Title: Mechanical Ventilation for the Critically Ill COPD Patient<br/>Author: Mike Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong><u>Mechanical Ventilation in COPD</u></strong></p>
Mechanical ventilation of the patient with obstructive lung disease can be challenging, primarily due to the presence of dynamic hyperinflation.</li>
In the initial phase of ventilation, it is important to prevent complications of hyperinflation and not to target normalization of blood gas values.</li>
Recommended initial ventilator settings include:
Mode: Volume assist-control</li>
Inspiratory flow waveform: square</li>
Tidal volume: 6-8 ml/kg PBW</li>
RR: 12 bpm</li>
Inspiratory flow: 60-90 L/min</li>
The effect of PEEP is variable with each patient. When titrating PEEP, be sure to frequently measure plateau pressure and discontinue titration should Pplat increase.</li>
Demoule A, et al. How to ventilate obstructive and asthmatic patients. <em>Intensive Care Med.</em> 2020; 46:2436-2449.</p>