Title: Clinical Pearls for Variceal Hemorrhage<br/>Author: Caleb Chan<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/alumni/1583/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p> <strong>Clinical Pearls for Variceal Hemorrhage</strong></p> <p> -lower mortality with “restrictive” (Hgb 7-9 g/dL) rather than liberal strategy</p> <ul> <li> although you should c/w your blood resuscitation according to hemodynamics</li> </ul> <p> -antibiotic “prophylaxis” reduces mortality</p> <ul> <li> use ceftriaxone rather than quinolone 2/2 increasing resistance</li> </ul> <p> -no need to correct INR with FFP</p> <ul> <li> FFP transfusions may actually be associated with worse outcomes (e.g. inc’d mortality)</li> </ul> <p> -vasoactives (i.e. octreotide, somatostatin, terlipressin) alone may actually control bleeding</p> <p> -for your ICU boarders...if persistent or severe rebleeding (despite endoscopic therapy), rescue TIPS is therapy of choice (call IR)</p> <fieldset><legend>References</legend>
<p> Zanetto A, Shalaby S, Feltracco P, et al. Recent advances in the management of acute variceal hemorrhage. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021;10(17):3818.</p> </fieldset>