Title: Bougie or Endotracheal Tube with Stylet for First Attempt?<br/>Author: Mike Winters<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/141/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
<strong><u>The BOUGIE Trial</u></strong></p>
More than 1 million patients undergo endotracheal intubation each year in the US.</li>
Up to 20% of intubations fail on the first attempt, thereby increasing the risk of adverse outcome.</li>
Over the past several years, many have become comfortable using the bougie as a rescue device when the first attempt at intubation fails with an endotracheal tube with stylet.</li>
In contrast to its use as a rescue device, should the bougie be used during the first attempt rather than an endotracheal tube with a malleable stylet?</li>
The BOUGIE Trial compared the effect of using the bougie to an endotracheal tube with stylet on first attempt success in critically ill patients.</li>
The trial enrolled 1106 patients in 7 EDs and 8 ICUs at 11 hospitals.</li>
The primary outcome of first pass success was <u>not statistically different</u> between those randomized to bougie and those randomized to endotracheal tube with stylet for the first attempt at intubation.. </li>
Though the trial did not find a statistical difference in <u>first pass</u> success rates, the bougie remains an important device in our management of the critically ill airway.</li>
Driver BE, et al. Effect of use of a bougie vs endotracheal tube with stylet on successful intubation on the first attempt among critically ill patients undergoing tracheal intubation. <em>JAMA.</em> 2021. Published online December 8, 2021</p>