Title: Physician Workforce Diversity in EM<br/>Author: Mercedes Torres<br/><a href='http://umem.org/profiles/faculty/201/'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/><p>
Physician Workforce Diversity in EM</p>
Health inequities along racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines are a brutal reality of the current state of health care in the US. One way to attempt to address these inequities is to make a concerted effort to diversify our physician workforce. As authors have noted, “Having physicians from diverse backgrounds as colleagues and role models can promote understanding and tolerance in nonminority physicians, ultimately improving medical care for patients who are part of these racial and ethnic groups. Increasing the population of underrepresented minority (URM) physicians in the workforce also directly improves health care for medically underserved populations from all racial and ethnic backgrounds, as studies have shown that physicians from URM backgrounds are more likely to work with these patients.”</p>
Administrators are often tasked with the difficult job of creating a cohesive group of emergency physicians to meet the needs of the community they serve. Strategies to diversify that workforce would benefit from a multi-level approach, including the following:</p>
Focus on the high school and college pipeline to increase the number of URM entering the field of medicine and emergency medicine more specifically.</li>
Make a conscious effort to recruit and interview URM candidates for open positions.</li>
In meetings, ask specific questions from individuals whose voices are often marginalized.</li>
In group settings, pay attention to your physical position; if you are a White male, let your URM colleagues position themselves at the head of the table.</li>
Small steps can create big changes.</p>
Landry AM, Stevens J, Kelly SP, Sanchez LD, Fisher J. Under-represented minorities in emergency medicine. J Emerg Med. . 2013;45(1):100-4. doi:10.1016/j.jemermed.2012.11.064</li>
Brown C, Brown K, Brown I, Daniel R. Dear White People in Emergency Medicine. Ann Emerg Med. . 2021;78(5):587-592. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2021.08.004</li>