Title: Splinting of metacarpal fractures<br/>
Author: Brian Corwell<br/>
<a href='mailto:bcorwell@som.umaryland.edu'>[Click to email author]</a><hr/>
Link: <a href='https://umem.org/educational_pearls/4474/'>https://umem.org/educational_pearls/4474/</a><hr/><p>Metacarpal fractures are frequently seen in the ED.</p>
<p>These are frequently non operative injuries.</p>
<p>For 4th and 5th metacarpal fractures, consider an ulnar gutter spilt.</p>
<p>For 2nd and 3rd metacarpal fractures, consider a radial gutter splint.</p>
<p>Splinting position (Intrinsic plus): </p>
<p>Wrist in approximately 20 degrees of extension (position of function)</p>
<p>MCP joint in 70 to 90 degrees of flexion</p>
<p>Slight flexion at the DIP and PIP and DIP joints. </p>
<p> -Important to prevent shortening of the collateral ligaments</p>
<p><img src="https://umem.org/files/uploads/content/pearls/image-661b70c1112f1.png" alt="" /></p>