[Education] March EM Cast

amalmattu at comcast.net amalmattu at comcast.net
Wed Mar 3 22:54:47 EST 2010

The March edition of EM Cast is now posted at http://www.emedhome.com/cme_emcast_list.cfm 

Topics this month: 

1. A few final cardiology literature updates from 2009, including: 

a. Review of an editorial on utility of cardiac CT....is it ready for prime-time? is it helping or hurting patients more? you may be surprised.... 

b. Review of a NEJM paper supporting facilitated PCI; since it's published in the NEJM, it's gotta be right....right? 

c. Mythbuster topic of the month, based on a great article---does the elderly patient with syncope really need the billion $$ workup?? 

2. The RUSH exam in the ED 

3. Drug of the month--sugammadex; will "suga and roc" make sux obsolete? 

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