[Education] EmedHome EM Cast

amalmattu at comcast.net amalmattu at comcast.net
Sat May 1 13:57:48 EDT 2010

The May issue of the EmedHome EMCast is now available for subscribers at 

You'll notice that you now have the ability to select specific tracks to listen to for the EMCast, or you can listen from the start. This month's issue includes the following: 
1. D ealing with difficult people in EM , by Dr. Larry Weiss....if EVERYONE you deal with during a shift is nice, no need to listen. But if that's not the case, better listen to some great advice by Dr. Weiss. 
2. Transient ischemic attacks , by Dr. George Willis. Dr. Willis reviews the recent literature on this common and changing topic, including antiplatelet treatments and the risk stratification tools. 
3. Delayed sequence intubation , by Dr. Scott Weingart. I know you've heard of rapid sequence intubation....but what's up with this new concept called DSI? 
4. Controversies in treating pericardial disease . I'll discuss an article by two of the world-renown experts in how to manage patients with pericarditis and discuss what's the difference between pericarditis, myopericarditis, perimyocarditis....and when you can send a patient home. 

EM Cast...if you don't get it, you just don't get it. 
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