[Education] EM Cast

amalmattu at comcast.net amalmattu at comcast.net
Thu Feb 3 11:19:32 EST 2011

The February edition of EmedHome's EM-Cast is now posted at http://www.emedhome.com/cme_emcast.cfm for subscribers. Here's what we've got for you this month: 

1. Summaries of my two favorite ACS articles of 2010 
the first is an article that reviews typical vs. atypical presentations of ACS....showing that we really should redefine what "typical" means! 
the second is a small but great article demonstrating how often patients can present with true ACS after a recent negative stress test 

2. Dr. Michael Bond discusses an article from the Lancet regarding septic arthritis...lots of the tests we thought were reliable are not; find out what to do to make the proper Dx; and don't always rely on those crystals you see in the joint! 

3. Dr. Mak Moayedi does some mythbusting with regards to the use of Kayexalate in hyperkalemia....don't waste your time with this useless concretion-forming medication! 

4. Dr. Ben Lawner does a brief AHA update on the section pertaining to the crashing asthmatic. 

Listen, learn, save a life! 

EM-Cast—if you don’t get it, you just don’t get it. 

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