[Education] The Crashing Patient

amalmattu at comcast.net amalmattu at comcast.net
Tue Apr 22 11:41:19 EDT 2014

4th Annual "The Crashing Patient: Resuscitation and Risk Management" Conference 

Oct 15-17, 2014 here in Baltimore 
Nothing but high risk! You're not going to hear about any ankle or knee rules in this conference! 


    * Resuscitation of crashing patients...only high risk scenarios 
    * Pearls for improving patient safety and avoiding malpractice 
    * Critical care symposium with FREE simulation session to reinforce CC knowledge 
    * Improve patient satisfaction via patient survival! 
    * Hands-on workshops--ultrasound, vasc access, echo, cadaver-lab procedures and advanced airway techniques 
    * 18-minute lectures , nothing but takehome points without the fluff 
    * World-class experienced faculty: winners of more than 15 national teaching awards, lecturers in > 50 countries, speakers at EVERY major national and international conference, providers of more than 10,000 hours of CME 
    * And a lot more!! 

Reserve your space soon....workshops will fill up fast! 

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