UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Orthopedics

Title: Severs disease

Keywords: Heel, overuse injury, apophysis (PubMed Search)

Posted: 2/25/2012 by Brian Corwell, MD (Updated: 7/16/2024)
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

Severs disease

- Perhaps the most common overuse injury

-Pain is due to inflammation of the calcaneal apophysis growth plate

- Caused by repetitive microtrauma from the pull of the Achilles tendon on the apophysis.

- Occurs in young athletes ages 7-14

Sx’s bilateral in >50%

Hx – Gradual onset of posterior heel pain, worse with activity, better with rest.

PE – Tenderness at the insertion of the Achilles tendon onto the calcaneous. Swelling is mild.

This is a self limited condition because as the adolescent ages, the physis closes

Tx – Rest (no running or jumping), ice, NSAIDs, heel lifts/arch supports. Outpatient physical therapy for stretching and strengthening exercises.