Whitney Cesari, MD

Primary Clinical Site:
University of Maryland Medical Center
On Faculty Since:

Education and Training

Medical School:
University of Tennessee

Academic Activities and Responsibilities

Hello! I am so glad you are considering UMaryland for your ER residency. If you are looking for a program with fun residents, great teaching, and a diverse patient population then this should be at the top of your list!

Some things about me: I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA. Baltimore is a brand new city for me. I absolutely love it here so far. I live in a great apartment only a few blocks from the water. Some of my favorite things to do in Baltimore include:

Beach Volleyball in the Inner Harbor (I still have yet to see anyone jump into the harbor. I refuse to leave this city until I do!)

Running with the homeless. I love to do fun things in my community. Baltimore is one of 9 cities in the US that offers the "Back on My Feet" program. I love it. You should check it out.

Friends! I have lived in at least 5 cities and this is the friendliest one so far. I especially love hanging out with my classmates, whether we are hammering crabs together, cheering for the Orioles, watching fireworks, or dancing on a Friday night.

So now that I am finally experiencing my residency, I will share with you what I think you really want to know. What kind of doctor will UMaryland help you become!? In three years you will receive the ideal balance between independence and teaching. You will become...

Brave. During residency at UMMC you will have your share of those necessary scary moments that teach you to make game-time decisions. As an intern you will be performing all procedures, creating plans for patient care, and be at the head of the bed running traumas.

Cutting Edge. You will receive guidance from expert faculty who take the time to teach during shifts, in cadaver labs, and in lectures. You will become a teacher yourself as you work with medical students and present in conference.

Equipped...better than a boyscout before a camping trip. I interviewed at several programs between the East and West coast and found that UMMC offered to equip me to be a life long learner more than any other program. You will learn to use educational resources efficiently, to critique and apply the most current literature, and to create new opportunities in the ever growing field of EM!

I could go on about Baltimore and the program but will stop there! If you want to hear more or have any questions, please shoot me an email. I would be more than happy to give you my most honest answers to whatever you ask!

Research Interests

International EM
Health Policy