Terry Mulligan, DO, MPH, was a faculty member for the 12th Middle East Emergency Medicine Congress, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in early June. He presented two lectures: “Building a Geriatric Emergency Department” and “Literature Review for Pediatrics.” He also traveled to Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman to present 3 hours of Grand Rounds lectures on clinical emergency medicine topics at Sultan Qaboos University.
Recent residency graduate Zachary Dezman, MD, MS, received a 2014 T. David Sisk Award for Research Excellence from the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine for his article titled "Neck Strength Imbalance Correlates with Increased Head Acceleration in Soccer Heading," published in the July/August 2013 issue of Sports Health. The award, presented during the society's annual conference in Seattle in July, recognizes its "best original research paper" for the preceding year.
In a collaboration among our Department of Emergency Medicine, the UM School of Medicine, the Baltimore City Fire Department, and the Baltimore City Office of the Mayor. Dr. Ben Lawner led a demonstration of hands-only CPR at City Hall. You can watch a report from the event at www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0DXFBaCr1s.
Emilie Calvello, MD, MPH, received one of the 14 interprofessional faculty grants that were awarded this spring by the UMB Center for Global Education Initiatives. Dr. Calvello used the $10,000 award to cover the cost of travel to Africa for herself, a pharmacy student, and a medical student as they launched their study titled “Community-Based Perceptions of Emergency Care in Kenya.”
Congratulations to Kathleen Stephanos, MD, a resident in our EM/Peds program, for her article titled "Influenza and the Flu Vaccine," which was published in the June/July issue of EM Resident. Her article is available at www.emra.org.
Dr. Rob Rogers was a plenary speaker and faculty member for the General Practice Conference & Medical Exhibition (GP CME 2014), held in Rotorua, New Zealand, in mid-June. Five hundred primary care physicians, nurses, and practice managers attended the convention. Dr. Rogers led a 2-hour pre-conference workshop on the interplay between emergency medicine and primary care; presented a plenary session lecture on abdominal vascular emergencies; and led sessions on the topics of pulmonary embolism, vascular catastrophes, clinical decision making, and severe hypertension.
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