Department Blog

Use of Esmarch bandage does not increase peripheral vein size in healthy volunteers: a randomized clinical trial,” by Professor Brian Euerle, MD, Associate Professor Alexis Salerno, MD, Residents Robert Paterson, MD and Taylor Miller, MD, former clinical assistant professor Samantha King, MD, and Assistant Professor J. David Gatz, MD, was published online June 25 in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Increasing the diameter of a vein may improve venous access during ultrasound-guided cannulation. Comparing use of a tourniquet only with use of a tourniquet + Esmarch bandage to increase basilic vein size in study participants, the study found no difference in vein size between the two groups but noted that participants in the tourniquet + Esmarch group reported greater discomfort. (Am J Emerg Med. 2024 Jun 25;83:20-24.)