Category: Orthopedics
Posted: 6/1/2014 by Michael Bond, MD
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD
When examining a knee for a meniscal injury the commonly described tests are the McMurray Test and Apley Test. However, these tests have sensitivities of 48-68% and 41% respectfully, and specificities of 86-94% and 86-93% respectfully. Depending on whether you are looking at the medical or lateral meniscus.
The Thessaly Test that was first described in 2005 can be performed with knee in either 5 or 20 degrees of flexion and has a senstivity of 89-92% and specificity of 96-97% when performed in 20 degrees flexion. The test also tends to be easier to perform.
To perform the test:
Essentially you and your patient will look like you are doing the twist as they rotate their knee with you holding their hands.
A video of the technique can be found at
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American). 2005;87:955-962.