UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Orthopedics

Title: Iliocostal syndrome

Keywords: Osteoporosis, elderly, (PubMed Search)

Posted: 10/25/2014 by Brian Corwell, MD
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

Iliocostal syndrome aka iliocostal friction syndrome

Consider this entity in an elderly patient with osteoporosis with unexplained abdomen/flank or back pain.

Osteoporosis and/or vertebral compression fractures can result in a narrowing of the distance between .

the lowest anterior rib and the top of the iliac crest producing pain where this rib contacts the pelvis.

This can be perceived as side or back pain. This pain can restrict walking leading to a possible misdiagnosis of spinal stenosis. Treatment is with physical therapy and therapeutic injection.