UMEM Educational Pearls

This really interesting study suggests that the classic site of CPR “in the middle of the chest” may actually not be the ideal place to perform CPR. Previous imaging studies demonstrate that the ventricles are primarily beneath the lower third of the sternum and that standard placement of CPR compressions may deform the aortic valve, blocking the LVOT, and theoretically limiting perfusion of the coronaries and brain.

This study compared a standard CPR group with those undergoing TEE-guided chest compressions to avoid aortic valve compression. Those in the non-AV compression group had significantly increased likelihood of ROSC, survival to ICU, and higher femoral arterial diastolic pressures. However, there was no difference in long-term outcomes or end-tidal CO2.

Summary: Avoiding AV compression during CPR significantly improved the chance at ROSC in adult OHCA, but this small observational study did not show any difference in long term outcomes when compared to standard practice. Lowering the point of chest compressions in CPR to the lower third of the sternum may be beneficial.
