UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Orthopedics

Title: Talar Neck Fractures

Posted: 3/12/2011 by Michael Bond, MD (Emailed: 3/19/2011) (Updated: 3/19/2011)
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD

Talar Neck Fractures

Have a high rate of avascular necrosis (AVN), nonunion, and arthritis.  Almost all require ORIF

  • Hawkins 1:
    • 0- 13% AVN rate
    • non-displaced fracture
  • Hawkins 2:
    • 20- 50% AVN rate
    • Displaced fracture with subluxation or dislocation of the posterior facet of the subtler joint. Subtalar joint usually dislocated posteriory
  • Hawkins 3:
    • 20-100% AVN rate
    • Displaced fracture of the talar neck with dislocation of the body of the talus from both the subtalar joint and the ankle joint
