UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Cardiology

Title: Autoantibody-associated Congenital Heart Block

Keywords: Autoantibody-associated Congenital Heart Block, neonatal lupus, CHB (PubMed Search)

Posted: 10/7/2012 by Semhar Tewelde, MD
Click here to contact Semhar Tewelde, MD

Autoantibody-associated congenital heart block (CHB), also know as neonatal lupus, is responsible for the majority (~60-90%) of CHB

This is secondary to maternal antibodies that cross the placenta and may disappear postnatal

Neonatal lupus can result in diffuse myocardial disease both with and without conduction disturbances, structural defects, and electrophysiologic anomalies

Overall mortality is up to 30%, with 15% mortality before 3 months of age

More than 65% of surviving newborns require pacemakers

Maternal screening and fetal echocardiography has allowed routine prenatal diagnosis 



Capone C, Buyon J, Friedman D, Frishman W. Cardiac Manifestations of Neonatal Lupus: A Review of Autoantibody-associated Congenital Heart Block and its Impact in an Adult Population. Cardiology Review. 2012, Mar-Apr;20(2):72-76