UMEM Educational Pearls

Cauda Equina Syndrome is a medical emergency that is considered in all patients who present to the ED with lower back pain.

Clinical presentation is variable in nature and may include some combination of lower back pain, bowel or bladder dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, saddle anesthesia with motor/sensory abnormalities.

MRI is the gold standard for diagnosis

Many of us have encountered a scenario where a patient with high clinical suspicion returns with scan negative MRI.

Studies have attempted to characterize this population.

Patients in the scan negative group had an increased prevalence of functional disorders (37% vs. 9%), functional neurologic disorders (12% vs. 0%), and psychiatric comorbidities (53% vs. 20%).

Further study is needed to characterize this association.


Hospitals may consider individualized neurologic and psychiatric referral for certain patients who are scan negative in the future.


Is scan-negative cauda equina syndrome a functional neurological disorder? A pilot study. Gibson et al., Eur J Neurol 2020, Feb 19.




Is scan-negative cauda equina syndrome a functional neurological disorder? A pilot study. Gibson et al., Eur J Neurol 2020, Feb 19.